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The pair apparently met two years ago when the boy was diagnosed with terminal cancer. He adds that his third child was produced with a surrogate mother he had never met, says that his other two children were a 'present' from his ex-wife Deborah Rowe, and also describes sharing a bed with a 12-yearold cancer victim named Gavin.ĭuring the programme Bashir is seen chatting with Gavin at Neverland, Jackson's ranch. Yet during the programme the singer openly admits sleeping with Home Alone star Macaulay Culkin and his brother Kieran, at the time aged 12 and Jackson's career was blighted when he was accused of child abuse a decade ago by dentist's son Jordy Chandler, 13, and paid a reported £18.5million in an outof-court settlement. The extraordinary revelations come in Living With Michael Jackson, a documentary by Martin Bashir, for which the reclusive superstar allowed his movements to be filmed for eight months. It's very charming, it's very sweet, it's what the whole world should do.' He says he sees nothing wrong with a 44-year-old man having such relationships.Īnd insisting there is 'nothing sexual' going on, he declares: 'I give them hot milk, you know, we have cookies. Michael Jackson has proudly admitted sharing his bed with children.

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